or by money order. However paid, they are kept confidential. The pledge system assures the organization a regular and steady incore. And it assures ultimately the continued publication of a journal crucially needed in America today. Finally, such pledges may be included in income tax deductions.
It is a rare individual who doesn't waste money a worthless things sometimes. It is a matter of personal discipline that we abstain from careless spending in order to contribute to something worthwhile. If we really BELIEVE in a cause then we are willing to support that cause, even if it means a little No 32crifice on our part. And that means financially also. organization, especially when publishing a magazine, can possoly function without expenses. An organization whose work will ultimately help bring major social benefits to homosexuals needs and is deserving of the support of homosexuals. And we can give that support anonymously, if we wish, with pride and without fear. Ours is a movement which carries a responsibility not only to homosexuals of today but to those countless individuals now growing up who will be homosexuals and the countless more in generations yet unborn. Through organized effort we can each do our part to help bring about the needed social changes so homosexuals of the future will not have to suffer the prejudices, discrimination and humiliation which are the lot of the homosexual today. The major objective of the Mattachine Society is to help build a world community in which organizations like Mattachine will be conpletely unnecessary, and distinguishing terms such as "homosexual" and "Heterosexual" will be obsolete. Our cause is toward a fuller realization of human brotherhood. It has historical significance.
Sometimes we don't think very logically about our financial responsibility to a cause and what we really CAN do if we will. If I were asked to contribute $60 per year to the work of the Mattachine Society, my first reaction would be to gulp, "Ouch, my gosh, I can't afford that!" But $5.00 per month? Of course I can, and I'm GLAD to! Enclosed is $5.00 for my October pledge. I am making a note in my day book to send this amount regularly on the first day of each month. If I should absentmindedly forget, will your Treasurer please bill me?
With best wishes for the continued success and growth of the MATTACHINE REVIEW. --ANONYMOUS
EDITOR'S NOTE: "Anonymous", above, is not anonymous to the REVIEW staff. His pledge, and similar pledges from a few other persons, has been paid regularly. For it, and for his recommendation to other readers, we are sincerely grateful.
REVIEW EDITOR: I have just read the "Letter from a Perplexed Guy" and the reply by G.M.H. of Ontario as originally published in JUSTICE WEEKLY, I was very impressed with the excellent reply with the exception of one point:
When you speak of "true homosexuality", G.M.H., as an "attimallachine REVIEW
tude of mind in which the affections are turned towards a menber of the same sex," you are narrowing down from the standard definition of homosexuality which means "sexual attraction for persons of one's own sex. This attraction exists in different degrees and it may or may not be accompanied by love. The "pseudo-homosexuals" to which you refer are as genuinely homosexual as complete inverts even though they also possess heterosexual response. Otherwise they would not have the desire to engage in homosexual relations. As you said in the beginning of your letter, "All men are unconscious homosexuals requiring only a strong enough tip of the unconscious balance to throw them into manifest homosexuality. By the same token, would not all homosexuals be unconscious heterosexuals?
The entire matter of psychosexuality is one of degree. Most homosexuals are bisexual in some ratio or other. And most bisexuals marry and have families. You are grossly in error when you say that "Nearly all pseudo-homosexuals' are of sub-normal intelligence, many of them are feeble-minded." This would take ir. a very large block of the bisexual population including the "trade" guys. Let us be careful not to miseducate on an already too much misunderstood problem.
--Mr. E.A.B., Colorado
REVIEW EDITOR: The cover drawing published on your November issue, credited to the magazine Vriendschap, and drawn by the Mario wrote to artist Mario,de Graaf, was printed sidewise.
me when the drawing first appeared, complaining because they had printed it wrong in the magazine---you made the same mistake they did. The full-length nude figure is lying down. The face that appears in the drawing is his dream. --Mr. L.A., Maryland
I'm very
REVIEW EDITOR: Your October issue was tremendous! proud of you all for such a splendid group of articles and I would stories, also the lengthy letters published therein. like to see more from foreign magazines again, and an issue of letters. I am trying to get more subscribers for you.
--Miss D.B., Calif.
REVIEW EDITOR: In response to your letter of August 31, I am I would like to make this enclosing a money order for $15. criticism of the REVIEW also: I feel that the general trend of articles, until recently at least, have reflected prominent attitudes of defensiveness. I believe this is unnecessary and unwise in attempting to affect to any noticeable degree public attitudes and enlightenment. I was specially impressed with
the favorable side by the October issue in which various foreign magazines of common interest were reviewed.. I believe such stories as "War Story" do more to enlist genuine understanding and interest than do more aggressive articles.
--Dr. R. H., Illinois